
Simply – and remarkably – acupuncture helps your body heal itself.

Western medicine relies on man-made medicines (pharmaceuticals) that essentially “take over” or alter your body’s function in such a way to alleviate your symptoms.

Sometimes this is necessary. Emergency medicine can save your life after a major accident or trauma!

However, for a lot of patients that I see, their bodies are just not functioning at their full potential. They may be overworked, stressed out, not getting the nutrition or rest their body desperately needs, or feel unable to heal from a recent injury.

They need a little help to bring back what we can term their self-healing potential.

We know that our bodies produce endorphins and other natural pain relieving substances, anti-inflammatory mediators & antioxidants – acupuncture stimulates the production and the utilization of all of these.

I've had patients ask, “is there medicine in the acupuncture needles?” The answer is no! The medicine is really in your own body – the needles just help your body to better utilize its own resources.

In this way, Chinese Medicine helps you to not rely on external pharmaceuticals or surgeries to address your symptoms. Rather, it promotes your own intrinsic resources, your own power, and your own ability to heal.

This medicine allows me to witness daily the effect of stepping into this power. It not only benefits our human experience and increases our resiliency to the challenges of life, but also betters our relationships with our closest and our greatest communities.